Tuesday, August 3, 2010

pretty good at drinking beer

Every summer I get the pleasure of going on a family vacation with my Dad's side of the family to Table Rock Lake. We go boating, tubing, jet skiing, boarding, skiing, you name it. It's a stressful blast to be with so much family for a week long. Trust me we butt heads and argue and fight but at the end of the week we all love each other and know we'll miss each other until we see us again. Here's some photos of our trip:
So tomorrow I'm takin’ me fishin’. Hang a sign on the door of my life "Tell the world that I’ve gone missin’ and I won’t be back for a while."

There’s a little spot in the river bend were the sun sits high
Along as the keg don’t float and the ice don’t melt
we’ll loosen up a notch on the Bible belt.

Bring on the sunshine, bring on a good time
Girl, let me look at you
Jump in the front seat, kick up your bare feet
Honey, let your hair down too

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