Last week I dreamt there was a Walmart by my school and a terrorist blowing up cars in the parking lot, including my own. Lots of people got hurt, I escaped to the Walmart where my friend worked and we were trying to hide out and be discreet because we didn't know if there was an accomplice or not yet.
Last night I dreamt I was in Mexico somewhere and a bunch of us were at a restaurant just off the marina, but it was just under sea level so you could see all the boats and creatures that came swimming by. We saw this huge sea lion, about the size of a baby whale and then this woman jumped into the water by the sea lion. First of all, you shouldn't jump in water by a marina, its just dumb. But she did. And she swam back up and a dog jumped in after her, the dog then got out of the water after seeing the sea lion and got on the boat. Then the sea lion jumped on the back of the boat, they looked at each other and then the sea lion got back in and swam down. Then the woman swam down and started slapping the sea lion's tale and then it bit her arm. For some reason I went to the marina where the rescue plane was and told them what had happened and we went and got the girl. I told them the truth and why she had gotten bit. Then they said I could water ski behind the plane if I wanted so I did, this other girl did it with me, she was a rescue girl too, so she had different ski's hers actually sank because they were so heavy so after a few turns they had to drop us in the water and we had to let go of the ropes. Well when they took her rope she started to sink and as I was standing on the water a big shark came up and tried to eat me. They threw the rope back down to her to get her above the water and then she grabbed me and we were off again, they pulled us up into the air as we were flying. I was standing right on the edge of the door that was open and almost fell off a bunch of times. I wasn't strapped in or anything so I was just holding on to this big guy as tight as I could, completely terrified. We finally got back to the ground and my mom was there waiting for me, it had been so much I started crying. Then we were walking back to the restaurant and we saw this door that we thought would take us across the marina... it opened up into a polar bear pavilion. It was slippery and there was a drop off so we tried to hurry out of there before a polar bear could jump up on its ledge and get us. We got out just in time and closed the door and held it shut as a polar bear almost walked out. After that we decided to walk on the beach the whole way back. I woke up and didn't want to visit Mexico.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
h-a-double l-o-w-double e-n spells halloween
Well Ben left yesterday. :( I've been sad ever since, not too mention I got a speeding ticket right by the airport which resulted in a large and expensive ticket. Not excited. Seriously, lottery, I need you. Yesterday I got home after the airport and went back to bed for 3 hours. It felt so so good. Then I made some delicious white cheddar macaroni and cheese. I'd been craving it since Ben got here, so it was good to indulge. I ate the rest of it for dinner and the chicken that Ben made me the other night. What a keeper, he takes such good care of me. And topped it off with some chocolate cake, yum. I also watched a ton and a half movies yesterday, I was just in the mood to relax I guess.
Song of the Moment
Do It Again- Stroke 9
27 Days til I see Ben
- The Proposal- 2 stars
- The Black Dahlia- 0 stars. Please save yourselves from this film.
- Sorority Wars- 0 stars
- Law Abiding Citizen- 4 stars. Seriously good and mind boggling.
- Obsessed- 2 stars
- Passengers-1 star
- Iron Man 2- 1 star
Song of the Moment
Do It Again- Stroke 9
27 Days til I see Ben
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
i'm a sucker for football films
Tonight I watched The Express. It was amazing, I cried. Surprise surprise. But it really was so so good, its the football story of the first Black Heisman winner, Ernie Davis. (Interesting fact... Ernie Davis when he becomes a Cleveland Brown player is wearing the same number as Rudy at Notre Dame.) So now I'm watching Rudy and have decided I need to watch the 10 Greatest Football Movies of All Time as decided by Sports Illustrated. So here they are:
Rudy (1993)- North Dallas Forty (1979)
- Brian's Song (1971) Fun fact, my Mom worked with Gale Sayer's brother, Roger. And he's just as amazing as his brother.
- Horse Feathers (1932)
- The Longest Yard (1974)
- All the Right Moves (1983)
Jerry Maguire (1996)- Heaven Can Wait (1978)
Friday Night Lights (2004)Remember the Titans (2000)
And here are those voted by the LA Times:
- North Dallas Forty (1979)
- The Longest Yard (1971)
Rudy (1993)Friday Night Lights (2004)- Heaven Can Wait (1978)
Jerry Maguire (1996)- Horse Feathers (1932)
- Number One (1969)
- Paper Lion (1968)
- Brian's Song (1971)
Any Given Sunday (1999)
Any other suggestions?
Monday, October 4, 2010
just love hearing old songs pop up on itunes so much i had to share
The Difference- Matchbox Twenty
Your Name Here (Sunrise Highway)- Straylight Run
- I love the lyrics in this song. "And for all you know this could be the difference between what you need and what you want to be"
- We used to listen to this song nearly every day when I was in high school in my carpool.
Your Name Here (Sunrise Highway)- Straylight Run
- I bought this cd when I was probably 14 or 15 and loved it. And now I never listen to it, and it surprised me coming up on my iTunes and I just remembered how much I loved their sound.
Breathe- Faith Hill
- There was once a time I dropped everything to listen to this song. I guess some things never change.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
and there will always be a part of me nobody else is gonna see but you and me
So here's my random week. Last week I was on retreat for school--hiking, volleyball, mountain climbing, repelling, scary heights from telephone poles and jumping off, and realizing my ass needs to drop a few- yadda yadda yadda.
Wednesday- So Wednesday my friend Emily got in town so I had to get up super early to pick her up from the airport. NBD. We go back to my place made lunch, showered (separately), and watched Glee. Then she went to the Rockies game and I went to class and then busted out early from my 2nd class because its super lame. It's like the adorable old man you want to be your grandpa but all he does is talk about verbs and adjectives that will boost your resume. So I bounced. We all got home about the same time, and Laura and I didn't feel like cooking, but there's this little bar/restaurant down the street from our place and Wednesdays is Wine Night. $4 glasses. And I've been getting really into red wines lately, I don't know if I'm becoming my dad, but I just really enjoy the taste more than the whites. Maybe I'm just a graduate level drinker now. We also shared mac and cheese fries, which maybe don't sound good but it had bacon (bonus) and cheese (checkmate) and they were awesome. Then we all just got small stuff and went home after that and hung out. I did homework.
Thursday- I had class all day but Emily and I took a tour of campus for a while, I showed her the first Chipotle and we ate at a little hot dog place. Then she left and I went to class, I have a 4 hour break between my classes so one of my new friends Jonathan, he's HILARIOUS. We actually seem to have a lot in common so he feels like a brother or twin or something. Anyway 4 hour break so we usually hang out, this time we just went to his apartment to write our papers and hang out. We made dinner for each other too and then went to class... late. Meh. We also bought concert tickets which I will get to shortly. So Laura and Emily pick me up from class b/c Emily and I were going to go out and Laura ends up not coming and just drops us off at Jacksons which is this bar that is from 10-12 $10 all you can drink. So naturally I had 3 vodka sours and some of the greatest people watching.
There was an entire booth of drunk asses behind us which made it so much more entertaining. Then Jon calls, he ended up going out, so we go to meet him and my other friend Jimmy at Lodo's. Jimmy has a tab open and this bartender is taking care of us. Two more vodka sours, one that was whiskey and just did not sit well, 3 white kamikaze shots (which are surprisingly good order them), and dancing. And more people watching- we saw this ugly couple find love, so there's hope. And we saw a lesbian fight. Jon and I were RIGHT next to it just STARING and loving it. We also narrated it for our own entertainment.
Best part of the night is a tie :Lesbian fight and the fact I only paid $10 all night.
Friday- Emily and I get up and went to this breakfast place, its pretty popular because we were like 20th in line for a 30 minute wait and no one seemed to have a problem with it. Then we get to sit and they had the bestttttttttt tea. Organic, of course?...Oh Colorado. And then we ordered, she ordered this eggs benedict with mozzarella, balsalmic vinegar, olive oil, and basil and I got salmon hash. Every meal this guy brought out we just stared at, hopeful. We were starving, finally he comes over to us and is like "Ok clearly I see you guys are hungry and I think you might kick my ass if I don't bring out your food next, so I'm going to go get it right now." BEST. MEAL. EVER. We even went out for sushi later that day, didn't even compare.
Ok so after lunch we went shopping at Nordstrom Rack. Eff me for spending my moneys. I got some super cute new brown boots, Marc Jacobs sunglasses (I needed these, I broke all my cute ones and my replacements are from Walgreens, not ugly but they squeeze my large brain), a loofah ($1.29?), and a cute tank top that really makes the girls say HOLA PEDRO. So then we went out for sushi and invited Brian and his brother. We had a good time, it was a long dinner. Then we decided we'd all meet up at our place and pregame before going downtown. So Emily, Laura, and I get ready and listened to B.Spears (Spears is fierce yo). An hour and a half goes by and they still haven't showed up so we decided to peace out and went to a house party down by school. Plus: free beer. Negative: Underage undergrads all dressed as nerds. We heard this statement "When did you clean the walls after the Intergalactic Party?" That's when we knew it was time to go. We managed to play some beer pong beforehand though and hung out with Jimmy 2.
So we call Jon, he's at a bar... so we walk to this bar, he's leaving to go to a bar back by the house party. Ok, so we decide to grab pizza slices before. Laura meanwhile is talking to this creeper dude and she's so friendly and like eager to talk to men, she talks to him about KC and her grade school and her job... finally we peel her away and head to get pizza. Creeper comes RUNNING up behind us and is like "Hey guys, I thought you were going to the other bar guys. Why don't you hang out with me guys? We could have so much fun guys." P.S. Creeper needed to invest in some deodorant AND cologne, no OR. We ditch him as we duck in to get pizza. Then we walk all the way back to this other bar. We go in, o hey they have Blue Moon bottles here, well hey in my handy dandy purse I happen to have 3 bottles of Blue Moon, so we bust those open in the bathroom and walk out like we're the bomb. Which we are. We hang out with Jon til close and Laura pours her heart out about the one date she went on and he didn't text her back that night...
I'll take the time now to describe this (Laura went out with a guy she met last Saturday at a Rockies game who was friends with someone she works with to an Avalanche game on Sunday. He played hockey at CSU and Laura hasn't ever been to a hockey game so she said it went well because they had plenty to talk about. Then he dropped her off and she said there wasn't much of a chance to kiss her, Emily and I guess that she jumped out of the car immediately, and he said to let him know what she was up to the next weekend (he lives in Boulder). She tells me about it on Monday and is FREAKING out because he hasn't texted her. I was like so? And she was like well they always text like right after they drop me off or the next day or something but I guess he has a job and I was like and he's older... and a guy... and a HOCKEY guy. So I told her to calm down and just text him Wednesday or Thursday and tell him what we're up to Friday so he can join if he wants. And she was like but what if he doesn't call first? And I was like well Laura, welcome to the 21st century when girls have the power too. I don't know if this was too harsh, but I'm not dumb like that. I mean I get crazy and sometimes yes I text Ben all about my day or tell him everything, but I don't wait for him to call me first? Like where are your balls, girl?) So Jon says he's not that into her. And Laura goes on about it and asks why he invited her to the game in the first place and Emily goes, "Maybe none of his friends could go and he just had an extra ticket..." Jon looked at her and was like WHOA dude that was harsh. But it was hilarious. And though I'm sure he already had plans on a Friday night by the time she texted him and was already busy doing those plans to text her back she was like I'm just going to delete him out of my phone and I was like that would be childish... and so she's still talking about it and thinking about it, mind you they went out once.
Closing time- so we have to take the light rail. So we walk back with Jon and its the last train. While we're waiting for it Creep#2 sits by us and of course starts chatting it up with Laura. She's trying to lie about where we live and I tell him 22nd and Franklin (which is where Brian lives). And he was like o cool cool and we all get on the train. This train doesn't go downtown b/c its late, so our options are taking the bus or a super long and expensive cab ride. I started yelling at Laura about taking a cab, because she never pays her fair share, and so we took the bus. This bus driver must be hating his existence because he was a total dick. The good news was Creep#2 couldn't make it on the bus because he had no money on him. So we take the bus which wasn't as bad as you'd expect but it was still THE BUS. We get off about 2 blocks from our apartment and walk the rest of the way and Laura is whining the whole time about her shoes, meanwhile Emily and I have been walking as much as she has and are fine. We get in at 3. Emily leaves the next morning and I wake up at 11:30.
Saturday- I write a paper finally that probably didn't turn out too great, but I'll manage. And then went to a Ben Folds concert with Jon. He was performing with the Colorado Symphony. I've seen him twice before but Jon never had and begged me to go. We paid $80 for our tickets only to find out later that school was selling some for $15. Major buzzkill, but still a sweet concert. He opened with Zak and Sara, then mellowed it down with songs like The Ascent of Stan, Brick, Smoke, Narcolepsy, and Gracie. Then he pumped it back up with Not the Same, Landed, and Steve's Last Night in Town. It was great because someone yelled "Rock this Bitch" which had me rolling because it was after all a symphony concert as well. He encored with The Luckiest, he had to play that one. Then he sang a song he made up on stage about the Colorado Symphony including the 50 foot bear that stands outside the Convention Center and included some of Rock this Bitch. Then he continued to play with Army and Kate. Then I got home at 10, painted my toes and watched How I Met Your Mother episodes. Went to bed.
Sunday (today)- Laura and I went to church at the Cathedral which was SO much nicer than the church we went last time. And then we played some touch football with Brian and his brothers and friends and some girls I knew in high school.
Playlist of the Moment
Playlist of the Moment
- The Luckiest - Ben Folds
- Not the Same- Ben Folds Live
- Love Like Woe- The Ready Set
- Sunshine- Steve Azar
- I Miss You- Blink 182
- The Only Exception- Glee Cast
- Uncharted- Sara Bareilles
Sunday, September 19, 2010
you appear just like a dream to me
Well this week was my first full week of school. I really like most of my classes (one exception), but they are definitely a challenge compared to undergrad. But I guess I take that as a good thing. I would rather be challenging my knowledge than just getting an MBA over the same things I already learned. This week was a whirlwind just trying to get into a routine, but I'm starting to get the hang of it I hope.
Friday was nice, I was able to go to dinner with Rusky, his wife, and friend at a little Mexican restaurant close to campus. It was nice being able to catch up with Omaha friends and hear about what was going on. It was also just nice getting out and eating something different. Most of my meals lately have surrounded pasta or easy substitutes, although tonight I reached out and made an Asian stir fry with some shrimp, carrots, rice, and ginger teriyaki sauce. After dinner Brian came over and we hung out with Laura for a bit before all heading down to Oktoberfest. We made some new friends, one that lives in our building, Charlie, though I think I'll be calling him Chuck. And Jeff. I actually knew Jeff in undergrad but haven't really seen or spoke to him in 3 years. After Oktoberfest we came back to our place and played some games before realizing how tired we were.
Saturday I geared up for the Husker game and went to meet Brian and Jeff to watch it at a bar. We went to a bar not too far from the apartment actually, Pub on Penn. Everyone in there was wearing Husker gear which was kind of surprising to see. I guess I just wasn't expecting it, but it was great. Everyone cheered GBR and moaned at the bad plays. Then someone brought a baby in.... to a bar? That's not odd or anything. Saturday afternoon I headed out to my cousins' house for a celebratory BBQ for Shelby's 9th birthday. I gave her a Jonas brothers birthday card and a huge Justin Bieber poster that she hung up immediately. It was nice hanging out with family again, I needed a break from the apartment and being around family was the trick. Not to mention I talked to a bunch of friends this past week and that made me feel so much better, way less homesick and lonely. I tend to forget I can use a phone and call my friends. I always tell the girls, never take it seriously, if you never take it seriously, you never get hurt. You never get hurt, you always have fun, and if you ever get lonely, just go to the record store and visit your friends.
Then Danny, Julie and I went for a ride in their '65 Ford Mustang with the top down. It was great, such a beautiful fall day for it. Came home and had an amazing dinner- homemade chicken wings, veggies, salad, shrimp, and baked potato. Delicious. Then Shelby and I watched The Last Song, she got it for her birthday. It was the 4th time I've seen it now, and I have to say I'm not tired of it. It's a really good one. Definitely better than the last Nicholas Sparks book-turned-movie (Dear John). Then I came home and watched The Notebook.
Sunday was productive day. Laura and I got up early and went to church at Holy Ghost. It was nice, I think next time we're going to check out the cathedral mass and see which we like better. Then we came home and Laura got ready to leave for Dallas, she's training there all week. I went to Target and got some errands done then came home and cleaned the whole apartment - mopped, vacuumed, cleaned bathroom. Then I reorganized our bookshelf- I finally brought in the picture I bought in NYC of Central Park. Unfortunately the cheapo frame melted in my car, but the picture and glass are still in good shape, so its now sitting happily on a shelf. I moved the candelabra down a shelf and it stands out really well. I got some pumpkin spice candles today after being at Julie's and smelling how good the fall smells in the house were. Then I moved our everything board to the kitchen, the wall clock in its place in the entry way (now visible from the table and TV area) and hung Laura's Aspen picture above the table. I was going to attempt the mirror, but not being able to lift it or know I needed a stud caused me to stop. And I've been doing homework ever since.
Pretty excited for this week and weekend. Chuck E Cheese possibly tomorrow for celebration #2. Hopefully see my aunt and uncle that are coming in for a visit. Class retreat in the mountains all weekend. I'll keep you updated.
Recommended Songs
- Mine- Taylor Swift
- Sweet Disposition- The Temper Trap
- Man in the Mirror- James Morrison
- I'm Not Over- Carolina Liar
- First Day of My Life- Bright Eyes
- Green Eyes- Coldplay
- Crazier- Taylor Swift
- My List- Toby Keith
- All Over Me- Josh Turner
- All I Believe In- The Magic Numbers
- The Last Song
- Hannah Montana Movie
- Father of the Bride (1&2)
- Lion King
- Aladdin
- Sleeping Beauty
- Girl Next Door
- Beauty and the Beast
- Probably all seasons of How I Met Your Mother
- High School Musical 3
- Phantom of the Opera
- Hitch
- Inception
Movies I Can't Wait to See
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
new marketing class
Starved. 8-10pm. Amazing?
So I'm in a marketing class called Integrated Marketing Communications. Over half of my class is international students, Buenos Aires, China, Italy, Greece. And there's a girl in here that owns a cupcake shop down the street from my apartment, awesome!
So I'm in a marketing class called Integrated Marketing Communications. Over half of my class is international students, Buenos Aires, China, Italy, Greece. And there's a girl in here that owns a cupcake shop down the street from my apartment, awesome!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
rockies and jello shots. that's what denver does.
This was a big week for Laura and I and the apartment. Thursday I went on a campus tour of University of Denver. It was great, especially to see the rest of the campus and where things were so I don't look like a lost loser anymore. I'm still only really aware of how to get from point A to point B, but at least I know what the scenic route and pretty things are. Here's some pictures.
View of the undergrad side of campus. |
Just a view of one side of campus and the Penrose Library. The Daniels College of Business is just off to the right behind one the trees. |
Sturm School of Law (gorgeous) |
Magness Arena in the Ritchie Center for Athletics. |
Friday night my cousin Justin and his girlfriend were out to visit for the Diamonbacks vs. the Rockies. So Laura and I met up with them for the game at Coors Field. Hooray for first Rockies game!!
View from our seats! GREAT SEATS RIGHT BEHIND HOME PLATE. Row 37. |
Laura and I at the game. |
So it was International Night and Disco Night at the Rockies. Which was really weird. First they started the game with different cultural entertainments? Like there was a bagpiper, Chinese dancers, and then some other types of dancers. Then a cute elementary school sang the National Anthem. Then it turned to Disco Night so every time a Rockies player was on the big screen you would see them dressed in 70s clothes and hairstyles. The Rockies went on to whip the Dbacks, we left after the 8th inning when it was 12-2 and freezing.
Saturday night was our second Rockies experience, but this time with DCB at DU. They had a BBQ before for the students and their guests. I brought Laura and Taylor, one of our friends from Creighton that came to visit. We also pregamed a little before we went to the BBQ at Jacksons', a local sports bar right by the stadium. The BBQ was actually really great, I had an amazing Blue Moon broiled brat. I had been craving a hot dog for a while now, and complete with saurkraut, it was so good. Then we went up to watch the game from the Rock Pile.
Dbacks in the outfield. Adam LaRoche playing 1st base. |
LaRoche up to bat. |
View of the field from the Rock Pile with a little Denver skyline in the background. |
We sat with some people I knew from class, not that I particularly liked, but is roommates with Laura's really entertaining and fun cousin. Plus their friends were really fun to hang out with. During the game, kid that I don't like asked for my number in a super cheesy way that made Taylor laugh. Here's how it went: "Hey I think there's something wrong with my phone..." Me: "O really, is it frozen? What's wrong with it?" "It doesn't have your number in it." Yea buddy, nice. Unfortunately since he is in my class and I had my phone sitting on my lap at the time I had to give it to him, but in no way was it connected to that awful line. Word to the wise, NO. After the game we went to one of our new friends' houses and played some drinking games and then ventured to Sing Sing, a dueling piano bar. The piano bar came complete with tons of drinks, we got a few buzz buckets and split them and then I ordered a beer tower with wheat ale for Taylor, Laura, Corey and I to share. The rest of our new friends were in worse shape than we were, which made for some entertainment. After Sing Sing we hit up Maloney's and then home for some quesadillas with butter, only the best kind and way to make it. High five me.
Taylor ordered Laura a jello shot, with whipped cream. |
Exhibit A of our new friends. |
The end of Laura. |
Sunday, September 5, 2010
oh me oh my. how time does fly.
Well it's been a while since I last updated this and there's good reason for that.
- I moved to another state.
- I started an intense 2 week course that covered Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Management, IT, and Statistics in place of 3 months next summer.
- I tested out of said class.
- I had a flat tire my first week in Denver, CO.
- I had no internet... or cable.
Here's a picture of sad Liberty with a donut tire. She's all better now. |
On the upside, things have been going really well. Laura, my roommate, and I have settled into our apartment and are just finishing with the decorating. Once complete I will upload the new video where we actually have things in our apartment. Since I got here August 21st, I was staying at my cousin's house about 40 minutes away from the apartment and then moved in August 28th.
My first night of real freedom was September 3rd. Like I said it's been busy. Laura and I met up with some friends from undergrad in LoDo (Lower Downtown) and threw back some brewskys. We had a blast and noticed quite quickly how the mountain air really affects your buzz. Needless to say we were a bit tipsy after 2 drinks, let alone 7 beers, a Jagerbomb, and vodka sour later. We stayed til near bar close (2 am) and then walked back to the apartment with another friend.
The next morning we all were up pretty early and enjoyed a lazy Saturday complete with scrambled eggs and turkey, strawberries, and waffles for breakfast. Then Laura and I waited around for our cable guy to come and set us up with internet, cable, and HBO. We pretty much spent the rest of the night catching up on TV and checking Facebook since we hadn't been able to.
Today, I ventured out for a little more exploring of CO. I went to Sniagrab (bargains spelled backwards, up to 75% off on ski/snowboard gear) and bought a new ski jacket and gloves for about $100 less than the jacket was worth alone. I feel good about this purchase and can't wait to use it. And I spun the wheel for free prizes and I was oneeeeeeeeeee click away from a free ski lift ticket. O well better luck tomorrow when I go again.
Then I went out to my cousins' house to go to a Labor Day BBQ. This was so much fun, some of their close friends have a little potluck/BBQ and they set up a volleyball net to play. We were there for 9 hours, and I played volleyball probably for 5. If you know me at all, you know I am a terrible volleyball player, but I keep it interesting and entertaining. I met lots of great people around my age so I know some people and will have friends to go out with or just bounce ideas and dinners off of.
Anyway, so I just got home, and I'm going to bed, and more updates soon, because thankfully the internet has returned.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
for all children grow up...except one.
My its been a long time since I posted and so much has happened. I finished packing all of my things and past, it was weird. And it was really difficult to pack things away and even just packing, it was boring. I would have rather been hanging out with family and friends that I might not be seeing for a while.
On my last night in Omaha, my dad and I went out for a nice dinner at one of our favorite spots, Shucks. We sat next to this great little family, the wife was from Denver so she gave me a list of great restaurants to go to, the husband had just gotten back from San Francisco so dad shared some of his favorite places, and they're opening a restaurant someday! Dad and I split the Ahi tuna sandwich and snow crab legs, WHICH WERE DELICIOUS. It had been so long since I'd had crab legs and they were so succulent. Then we went home and watched The Last Song. I had watched it already, but it was so good I didn't mind watching again. I cried this time. Then Ben came over and we rented Peter Pan. Later I thought of the irony in watching Peter Pan a movie about a boy that never grows up on the eve of the day I move out to Denver and grow up.
The next morning, yesterday, I woke up early and got ready for my venture out to Denver, 8 hours on the road alone. It was surprisingly easier than I had expected. Luckily I had plenty of water, a white chocolate mocha, a bagel, 2 sandwiches, dill pretzels, candy and trail mix in case I needed, which some of them came to the rescue. Emily surprised me early and gave me a full Love Actually presentation complete with posterboards and music. I'm going to miss that girl and how special of a friend she is. Not that we won't be friends anymore because she is one of my few that I will very much stay close with.
There was a time when I used to think or wonder that if I was ever seriously hurt or in an accident which of my friends would come visit me or notice I was gone. Luckily I was able to see who my friends are without having to be in any pain. Wednesday night I had a group outing to Goodnights and a bunch of my friends came to see me off. It was wonderful and I am blessed to have such wonderful friends.
Back to Saturday, I was reluctant to believe that Ben would make it to see me off despite him assuring me he wouldn't miss it. He was right, he didn't. I started crying instantly. It was like all the tears I had been holding back came flooding to the surface. I cried the first hour of the drive. I arrived at my cousin, Danny and family's, around 4 pm and have felt more than welcome ever since. I'm still really nervous for my first day tomorrow and moving in general, but I'm starting to feel more ok with the idea.
More on Denver and the move later!
Now listening to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Maps.
If you're going on any road trips soon, here's a great cd that kept me company:
On my last night in Omaha, my dad and I went out for a nice dinner at one of our favorite spots, Shucks. We sat next to this great little family, the wife was from Denver so she gave me a list of great restaurants to go to, the husband had just gotten back from San Francisco so dad shared some of his favorite places, and they're opening a restaurant someday! Dad and I split the Ahi tuna sandwich and snow crab legs, WHICH WERE DELICIOUS. It had been so long since I'd had crab legs and they were so succulent. Then we went home and watched The Last Song. I had watched it already, but it was so good I didn't mind watching again. I cried this time. Then Ben came over and we rented Peter Pan. Later I thought of the irony in watching Peter Pan a movie about a boy that never grows up on the eve of the day I move out to Denver and grow up.
The next morning, yesterday, I woke up early and got ready for my venture out to Denver, 8 hours on the road alone. It was surprisingly easier than I had expected. Luckily I had plenty of water, a white chocolate mocha, a bagel, 2 sandwiches, dill pretzels, candy and trail mix in case I needed, which some of them came to the rescue. Emily surprised me early and gave me a full Love Actually presentation complete with posterboards and music. I'm going to miss that girl and how special of a friend she is. Not that we won't be friends anymore because she is one of my few that I will very much stay close with.
There was a time when I used to think or wonder that if I was ever seriously hurt or in an accident which of my friends would come visit me or notice I was gone. Luckily I was able to see who my friends are without having to be in any pain. Wednesday night I had a group outing to Goodnights and a bunch of my friends came to see me off. It was wonderful and I am blessed to have such wonderful friends.
Back to Saturday, I was reluctant to believe that Ben would make it to see me off despite him assuring me he wouldn't miss it. He was right, he didn't. I started crying instantly. It was like all the tears I had been holding back came flooding to the surface. I cried the first hour of the drive. I arrived at my cousin, Danny and family's, around 4 pm and have felt more than welcome ever since. I'm still really nervous for my first day tomorrow and moving in general, but I'm starting to feel more ok with the idea.
More on Denver and the move later!
Now listening to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Maps.
If you're going on any road trips soon, here's a great cd that kept me company:
- Footsteps- Nelo
- She's Mine- Brett Dennen
- Our Kind of Love- Lady Antebellum
- Stuck Like Glue- Sugarland
- Maybe- Ingrid Michaelson
- The Only Exception- Paramore
- Love the Way you Lie- Rihanna
- Smoke a Little Smoke- Eric Church
- If It's Love- Train
- Lasso- Phoenix
- Right Me Up- State Radio
- Hey Ya- Obadiah Parker
- Rolling- Better than Ezra
- Ordinary People- John Legend
- Don't You Evah- Spoon
- Beautiful- Tristan Prettyman
- Stay or Leave- DMB
- It's A New Day- Will.I.Am
- Shark in the Water- VV Brown
- Wavin' Flag- K'Naan
Monday, August 16, 2010
imma let you finish but...
This was my last night at work. IT WAS EPIC.
A) Hannah is as naive as Bambi. She needs to open her fucking eyes and smell the coffee. We'll get back to this.
B) Bri is a fucking idiot.
C) FACT and this is epic. Or it was firsthand.
So we're all sitting down to roll silverware and I overhear that Adam was back to pick up his last paycheck. Weird, but not completely unheard of. So he walked to the kitchen and I saw him pass the board room but wasn't about to go say hi and get creepy. But I needed linens so I ended up going back there shortly after and as I was in dry storage I saw Jose sprint through the backdoor and the sound of it scared me I was like what the hell is going on outside.... so I went out. Honestly not joking at all, I thought Adam might have set off a bomb or set fire to something for being fired, but no...Adam had started a fight with Pedro. I guess Pedro was taking a box out or Adam was like hey come here, but he went out and Adam sucker punched him in the face. What I saw is from here on out. I was outside I turned back in to tell Clint there was a fight, so he came out too. ALL of the Mexicans were out there breaking this thing up. Pedro was bleeding from the nose and Adam was bleeding from the nose, mouth and his shirt was ripped. He was also yelling in Spanish about I don't know because I took 5 years of French and even though it was yelling it was about as loud as wind. The fight broke up, Clint and I were still watching and then Adam started coming back at him again until everyone jumped in and pushed him away and Pedro just walked back inside. 2 seconds later all the Mexicans were back at work in full cover up mode like nothing had happened. I went to roll silverware but had to tell Miley and Logan, of course Hannah was sitting there and needed to hear it too. Hannah was like are you sure, Adam would never do that? I was like uh yea he would, he's creepy. She was shocked like completely shocked he would START a fight I was like, are you stupid or something? We were all keeping it under wraps, but then Bri walks up to Alphie and says "HEY what happened with Adam and the fight outside?" Of course Alphie has no idea what is going on so he is like what??? Then gets James involved, so they both go question the Mexicans and they keep quiet and back up Pedro of course, but it was the truth anyway. Jose said he knew what the fight was about but wasn't about to tell me. And this part is my favorite. When Alphie and James go to question Pedro, James' first question was "Well did you kick his ass?" Classic.
* all names in this story have been changed for their protection
And I went to the zoo today, happy celebratory last week in Omaha.
A) Hannah is as naive as Bambi. She needs to open her fucking eyes and smell the coffee. We'll get back to this.
B) Bri is a fucking idiot.
C) FACT and this is epic. Or it was firsthand.
So we're all sitting down to roll silverware and I overhear that Adam was back to pick up his last paycheck. Weird, but not completely unheard of. So he walked to the kitchen and I saw him pass the board room but wasn't about to go say hi and get creepy. But I needed linens so I ended up going back there shortly after and as I was in dry storage I saw Jose sprint through the backdoor and the sound of it scared me I was like what the hell is going on outside.... so I went out. Honestly not joking at all, I thought Adam might have set off a bomb or set fire to something for being fired, but no...Adam had started a fight with Pedro. I guess Pedro was taking a box out or Adam was like hey come here, but he went out and Adam sucker punched him in the face. What I saw is from here on out. I was outside I turned back in to tell Clint there was a fight, so he came out too. ALL of the Mexicans were out there breaking this thing up. Pedro was bleeding from the nose and Adam was bleeding from the nose, mouth and his shirt was ripped. He was also yelling in Spanish about I don't know because I took 5 years of French and even though it was yelling it was about as loud as wind. The fight broke up, Clint and I were still watching and then Adam started coming back at him again until everyone jumped in and pushed him away and Pedro just walked back inside. 2 seconds later all the Mexicans were back at work in full cover up mode like nothing had happened. I went to roll silverware but had to tell Miley and Logan, of course Hannah was sitting there and needed to hear it too. Hannah was like are you sure, Adam would never do that? I was like uh yea he would, he's creepy. She was shocked like completely shocked he would START a fight I was like, are you stupid or something? We were all keeping it under wraps, but then Bri walks up to Alphie and says "HEY what happened with Adam and the fight outside?" Of course Alphie has no idea what is going on so he is like what??? Then gets James involved, so they both go question the Mexicans and they keep quiet and back up Pedro of course, but it was the truth anyway. Jose said he knew what the fight was about but wasn't about to tell me. And this part is my favorite. When Alphie and James go to question Pedro, James' first question was "Well did you kick his ass?" Classic.
* all names in this story have been changed for their protection
And I went to the zoo today, happy celebratory last week in Omaha.
Monday, August 9, 2010
come a little closer, baby
This past Friday night Ben and I went to the Dierks Bentley concert at Stir Concert Cove. It was great, I couldn't see a lot of the time but I still enjoyed it. He did a great show, and then he played our song. :o)
Also, I have some new obsessions for keeping not busy. I don't really know how to describe them?.. But they're websites where people can enter their random thoughts and be voted on them. Some of them are so true and hence funny that I can't help but love them. Check them out!
Example: Dear Twilight Fans,
Thank you for making us look sane and well-adjusted.
Sincerely, Trekkies
Dear Nickelback,
That's enough.
Sincerely, The World.
Dear guy wearing camouflage in public,
Sincerely, Everyone else.
Example: You don't want a Caesar salad with ranch dressing, you want a salad with romaine lettuce. Caesar is the dressing. And yes, water is free here. Smart ass.
I'm guessing the advertising executives just gave up when they decided to roll out the 'creepy kitty with laryngitis' campaign for Quiznos.
Gift cards are fun until you get one for JCpenny.
I'm having a mid-life crisis. I feel my "cool years" are behind me. My wife is not very supportive, because she did not appreciate me buying an Escalade or referring to her as "my baby's mama" in attempt to increased my street cred.
"403 Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it." I see how it is server. Well played.
Friday, August 6, 2010
i'm official
I officially registered for classes today at University of Denver. I just hope I did ok doing it since one of the suggested courses I am supposed to take in the fall I couldn't find so I opted for another one. Good luck me.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
eat. pray. love.
It's 2 am and unlike most people right now, instead of sleeping, I cannot sleep and so I'm blogging about it. I watched Shutter Island last night and even though it wasn't scary to most people it was severely twisted and I was creeped out the rest of the night that someone was out to get me to send me to an asylum.
Seriously, I slept with the lights on.
Tonight I can't fall asleep either. I don't know what my problem is. I watched Pretty Little Liars, I'm all caught up now thank you very much. And I can't wait for next week's finale. I haven't read the books so I don't know what is going to happen, but I do rest assured that each week Emily is the prettiest and worst actress on the show.
Speaking of reading, I'm upset with myself for not reading more this summer. My summer is now almost up now that I have to be at school an entire 2 weeks earlier than I had planned. Thanks for botching my trip to visit my family, University of Denver, really cool. NOT. They switched up their pre class schedules so many times I couldn't keep my head straight and now they royally messed up my summer and plans.
In honor, or inspiration you could say, of Eat, Pray, Love (the book not the movie, though I haven't read that either), I've made a list of things I hope to do to help me pass the time I waste aimlessly on the internet or sitting around watching TV and movies, which in case you hadn't noticed is entirely too much. I'm not adding them to my bucket list as their small, but not insignificant. I just want to do things that inspire me and take me away whether its picking up an old book or hobby or finding an adventure like I was a Goonie. So here goes nothing:
I want to read. I have lists of books I've wanted to read for too long, but here's my shortened (off memory), and reputable list.
Eat, Pray, Love
Great Expectations
The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud
Jurassic Park
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Time Traveler's Wife
The Last Song
I want to scrapbook again. I used to be able to spend countless hours scrapbooking away and taking pride in the memories I was storing in books. I still take pride in them, but I have so many memories that go undecorated. I am barely half way through my London trip from 2 years ago, but those pictures and that book is one that needs to be cherished.
I want to exercise. I hear they release endorphins and endorphins make you happy or something? Yea it sounds great, but when do I find the time to do it? I don't. I busted out my old bike that I haven't ridden since I got a license, probably before that even, because I was too embarrassed to be seen on 2 wheels anymore. I hope I wake up early tomorrow so I can take it out for a spin and see if my legs even work.
I want to explore.
good for the soul,
self help
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
pretty good at drinking beer
Every summer I get the pleasure of going on a family vacation with my Dad's side of the family to Table Rock Lake. We go boating, tubing, jet skiing, boarding, skiing, you name it. It's a stressful blast to be with so much family for a week long. Trust me we butt heads and argue and fight but at the end of the week we all love each other and know we'll miss each other until we see us again. Here's some photos of our trip:

So tomorrow I'm takin’ me fishin’. Hang a sign on the door of my life "Tell the world that I’ve gone missin’ and I won’t be back for a while." |
There’s a little spot in the river bend were the sun sits high
Along as the keg don’t float and the ice don’t melt
we’ll loosen up a notch on the Bible belt.
Along as the keg don’t float and the ice don’t melt
we’ll loosen up a notch on the Bible belt.
Bring on the sunshine, bring on a good time
Girl, let me look at you
Jump in the front seat, kick up your bare feet
Honey, let your hair down too
Girl, let me look at you
Jump in the front seat, kick up your bare feet
Honey, let your hair down too
Monday, July 19, 2010
I have officially set my moving date to Denver. August 28th, 2010. Which means I have to start getting ready sooner than that. So I'm making a little list for myself to remember and check off things I need for this move. Please add any that you can think of yourself.
- Sheets
- Blankets
- Hangers
- Dresser
- Alarm clock
- Plunger... is this really necessary?
- Shower curtain... curtain hangers
- Toilet bowl brush... again?
- Floor mats
- Soap dispenser
- Garbage can/bags
- Silverware
- Dishware
- Glasses (wine and regular)
- Pots and pans
- Utensils
- Can opener
- Waffle maker!
- Dish towels
- Dish soap
- Cutting boards
- Drainer
- Corkboard/dry erase board
- Tupperware
- Swiffer
- Tea kettle
- Salt/Pepper
- Garbage can/bags
- Saran wrap/aluminum foil/ziplocks
- Oven mitts
Living Room
- Candles
- Throw Pillows
- Couches
- End tables and coffee tables
- Coasters
- TV- Laura
- DVD player
- DVDs
- iPod Dock
Cleaning Supplies
- Windex
- Laundry detergent/dryer sheets
- Bleach cleaner
- Vacuum- which means I need to get a new brush for it
- Sponges
- Spot carpet cleaner
- Stain remover
- Air fresheners- I have Christmasy ones, need to get some others that fit the plug ins
- Tool kit- I didn't know where else to list this.
they say its your birthday.....
Finally was able to celebrate my birthday on Friday night! Great turn out of friends and fun times. We started with a nice sushi dinner at Hiro and then moved to DJ's Dugout for the dueling pianos where 2 of my friends paid enough money to get me on stage.
They sang a song to me about rubber penises and my friends caught video. Then I fell for the kiss me on the cheek trick where he turned last minute and I kissed an old dirty man on the lips. Awesome.
Then a foursome of us made the trip to the last bar, Fedora's, to see Lala and make it out til 2 am. Balling.
They sang a song to me about rubber penises and my friends caught video. Then I fell for the kiss me on the cheek trick where he turned last minute and I kissed an old dirty man on the lips. Awesome.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
i give myself good advice, but i very seldom follow it.
Thank goodness I'm feeling better today. I was starting to feel cut off not really checking my email, not doing half the things i needed to do. I've been very productive today thus far you see.
Updated my maps on my TomTom and bought Snoop Dogg's voice
Set up my new printer
Printed my guarantor application for my apartment!!
Pay my application fee
Emailed what I needed to work
Emailed Jane!
Go to the bank
Thank everyone for wishing me a happy birthday
Help Ben pack
Well at least I'm feeling good..
Set up my new printer
Printed my guarantor application for my apartment!!
Pay my application fee
Emailed Jane!
Go to the bank
Well at least I'm feeling good..
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
i won't tell you how to live your life, so please stay far away from mine.
Today I watched Alice in Wonderland with 2 of my favorite cousins. I'd never seen it before, because to be honest the previews freaked me out. The movie overall was decent and I fell asleep in the middle, but loved the soundtrack. I already knew that Motion City Soundtrack was on it singing "Always Running Out of Time". I missed MCS, its kind of amazing how far they've come. I saw them when I was a sophomore in high school at the Sokol Underground in Omaha with a close friend. Immediately I found their sound amazing and their lyrics fun. So cheers to you MCS, may your success grow but not your bigheadedness.
Here's some choice lyrics I've always enjoyed by them:
She's sings a lot of Ben Folds Five. She's scared to death of cobra snakes, just like Indiana Jones. She tells the dumbest knock knock jokes. She drinks a lot of chardonnay. She loves the smell of Christmas trees. She sneezes when she sees bright lights.- Antonia.
Lights out we're covered in each others warm embrace. They carved the message deep within,
Our broken hearts that failed to mend. Make out kids never had a chance to be best friends.-Make Out Kids
So we were an accident, You'll always be my favorite one.-My Favorite Accident
I had a pocket full of dreams, But I gave them all to you. Now I think I want 'em back. So can you tell me if I'm crazy or confused? Don't ever change, the way you are. I've never loved anyone more.-The Conversation
I'm on fire, and now I think I'm ready to bust a move. Check it out, I'm rocking steady.-The Future Freaks Me Out
And if you like MCS, check out this video: MCS Covers Pavement
I also watched Remember Me tonight. Excellent film with an amazing twist, highly recommend it.
Here's some choice lyrics I've always enjoyed by them:
She's sings a lot of Ben Folds Five. She's scared to death of cobra snakes, just like Indiana Jones. She tells the dumbest knock knock jokes. She drinks a lot of chardonnay. She loves the smell of Christmas trees. She sneezes when she sees bright lights.- Antonia.
Lights out we're covered in each others warm embrace. They carved the message deep within,
Our broken hearts that failed to mend. Make out kids never had a chance to be best friends.-Make Out Kids
So we were an accident, You'll always be my favorite one.-My Favorite Accident
I had a pocket full of dreams, But I gave them all to you. Now I think I want 'em back. So can you tell me if I'm crazy or confused? Don't ever change, the way you are. I've never loved anyone more.-The Conversation
I'm on fire, and now I think I'm ready to bust a move. Check it out, I'm rocking steady.-The Future Freaks Me Out
And if you like MCS, check out this video: MCS Covers Pavement
I also watched Remember Me tonight. Excellent film with an amazing twist, highly recommend it.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
I want so badly to believe that there is truth and love is real. And I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd.
I am not perfect, of this I am certain. I have made mistakes and done things I've regretted. How do you move on? How do you know when you have overcome them? Do you just start over and hope you're smarter or do you cut yourself off?
Tonight I had a serious talk and reflection of my choices that make me damaged goods and more or less a liability to mankind. It's depressing, and not just for me, but for the people that I've made these choices against and the strangers who relate. I don't mean to hurt you. I don't intend on anything happening but my hopes for us, but I am me and I am terrified of that.
I regret...
cheating on a boyfriend I "loved"
telling a boyfriend or two I loved them without truly knowing how much it meant
fighting until there is nothing more to be said
fighting for a relationship that should have been over
being selfish
hurting people that cared for me.
Who's to say we won't stay together? Who's to say we aren't getting stronger?
Who's to say I can't live without you?
Tonight I had a serious talk and reflection of my choices that make me damaged goods and more or less a liability to mankind. It's depressing, and not just for me, but for the people that I've made these choices against and the strangers who relate. I don't mean to hurt you. I don't intend on anything happening but my hopes for us, but I am me and I am terrified of that.
I regret...
cheating on a boyfriend I "loved"
telling a boyfriend or two I loved them without truly knowing how much it meant
fighting until there is nothing more to be said
fighting for a relationship that should have been over
being selfish
hurting people that cared for me.
Who's to say we won't stay together? Who's to say we aren't getting stronger?
Who's to say I can't live without you?
Friday, July 2, 2010
you have bewitched me. body and soul.
I dedicate this, my first post in over a year, to a very special friend of mine, Laura. I read her blog and it inspired me to start mine up again. I was especially touched and encouraged by her list of life experiences she wants to accomplish. It made me realize I needed to get my list out of my head and online, so as not to be fearful of it anymore. Not that I was afraid of my aspirations before, but I wasn't willing to share them with anyone. I kept them safe in my head or in a private email folder. But now I'm saying go for it. The only person stopping your dreams is you.
Thanks Laura.
Thanks Laura.
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